Why was my appointment transferred?

Your Vetster appointment may be transferred for a few reasons:

Appointment Confirmation:

To ensure we are providing the best possible experience for pet parents, your appointment may be transferred if you do not confirm your attendance within 10 minutes of the start time.

If you do not confirm an upcoming appointment or if you select ‘Unable to make this appointment,’ the appointment will be transferred to another available veterinarian. It’s important to ensure that your availability remains up to date and that you check notifications regularly for booked appointments during periods when you have availability.

Late Attendance:

If you are late to an appointment, it may be at risk of being transferred. Clients expect their virtual Vetster appointment to begin at its scheduled time. To ensure that appointments are not missed, your appointment may be transferred to another available veterinarian if you are late to attend.

If you have any questions or require any assistance managing your availability, please reach out to our Customer Experience team. We’ll be happy to help!